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Roblox Rooms & Doors Wiki
Roblox Rooms & Doors Wiki

Admin Commands is currently a stub. This means that this article is not finished and may contain wrong/not enough information, You can help the wiki by editing it.


Commands are text that people only with admin interference can access. Nobody else. (Note: Attempt to open A-1000 while using at least 1 of the commands will instantly kill players just like using Mods, as to not make players reaching A-1000 so easily)


  • /god: Grants you invincibility, but ONLY against MultiMonster, MultiMonster Prime, Happy Scribble, Insidæ, and Insidæ Prime.
  • /scanner: Just gives you the scanner for free. Nothing else. However, ever since the Alpha & Omega update has been added, this command became less useful, unless the player in question getting the Scanner doesn't already have one.
  • /batteries: Gives you 666 batteries, and makes the battery number red for the rest of the game.
  • /entity number]: Spawns the entity put after the slash. For instance, "/200" spawns Insidæ. This is the same for primes, with an apostrophe at the end.
  • /heal: Heals you to max health almost instantly.
  • /speed: Restores any missing stamina, and also gives you infinite stamina temporarily.
  • /seance: This command allows you to see chat messages from dead players. However, ever since the Envy charm got added, this command became a little less useful.

That's all the commands for now, but there might be more commands added in a future update.

Removed Commands[]

  • /skip: Makes every room after your current one become extremely squished. This goes on forever until you die, reach A-1000 or reset your character. Rooms that are guaranteed to spawn won't be squished, like the lever room, A-60 (Nico's Room), A-100 (also the room), and Safe rooms, like A-300.


  • So far, only the gamer owner, developers and Place can use admin commands.
vteRooms & Doors Wiki
Sections A SectionAbandoned A SectionB Section (Removed)
Main Entities A-10A-40A-50A-60A-60'A-90A-90'A-100A-120A-200A-200'A-250
Miscellaneous Entities/Characters RedskullThe Guest
Secret Entities The 9 Incomprehensible Horrors (A-666)THE VOICES
Upcoming Entities A-300
General ModsDeath ScreenHiding SourcesInteractablesRoom TypesCheckpointsDeaf ModeCharmsGhostsSafe Spots
Player Health and Stamina
Items Battery -) iconBatteryFlash2FlashlightGummyGummy FlashlightScannerIconScanner
Upcoming Mechanics Reviving
Misc DevelopmentBadgesEaster EggsUGCUpdate LogBoykisser
Other GlitchesAdmin CommandsAmbienceCutscenes