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Roblox Rooms & Doors Wiki
Roblox Rooms & Doors Wiki

The Locker is a common hiding place found in most rooms, it keeps the player safe from most aggressors nearby.


A dark grey locker made out of metal, it includes a small window in the front with multiple bars/shutters that connect from one side of the window to the other. A handle can be seen in the new version.


Left clicking on a locker while being near it causes your character to hide inside of it (assuming Shell isn't inside of it). Hiding inside of a locker will cause you to be safe from most dangerous entities, with one of the exceptions being The Darkness, who attacks players who have been hiding for too long. Pressing any movement key causes you to exit said locker.

The animation that plays when interacting with a locker, where your character opens its door and proceeds to enter it, does not render you safe from entities. You will only be in a safe state once the animation has finished playing.

Note that you can use fridges as a hiding source, acting exactly like lockers. Blue lockers cannot be used and are entirely dysfunctional (Probably because they've been, well, crushed).

Locker can be used to kill Pnevma by having it in front of the locker, and then holding down the sprint button, when opened by the player. After this the locker will be unusable.

Pressing S on PC, swiping down on the red circle on Mobile makes you face back at the Locker.

Note : Past room A-200, there is a chance for one of the lockers in the room to be broken.


  • (Update date: unknown): Shell has the ability to appear in a Locker before door A-30.
  • (Update date: 4/8/2024): You can now exit a Locker facing back at the Locker by pressing R, S on PC, or swiping down on the red circle on Mobile.
  • (Update date: 4/8/2024): you need to hold the stamina button in a Locker to kill Pnevma(s).
  • (Update date: 4/25/2024): Using the Shell mask, will allow you to manually slam Locker, without having Pnevma(s) being close to the Locker, doing this allows you to push teammates and damage them.


  • When the Locker was first added into the game, it was completely broken, meaning that hostile entities can still kill you regardless of whether or not you're hiding.
  • The Locker was added before the Table was given it's functionality.
  • The Locker was the second object that was added into the game.
  • You can use fridges as a hiding spot, as they act exactly the same as lockers.
  • You cannot use blue lockers.
  • In an update you can get out of the Locker facing back by pressing R, S, or Down Arrow (pc) and swiping down on the red circle (mobile), this can be good for all the Primes.
  • With the Shell mask, you are able to manually slam Lockers, this allows you to push teammates, this also allows you to drop them into the Void hole instakilling them.
  • After reaching room A-200, most Locker rooms will have at least one broken Locker in spaces that can spawn functional Lockers, there are some rooms that won’t have broken Lockers for balance reasons.


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Sections A SectionAbandoned A SectionB Section (Removed)
Main Entities A-10A-40A-50A-60A-60'A-90A-90'A-100A-120A-200A-200'A-250
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