Roblox Rooms & Doors Wiki


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Roblox Rooms & Doors Wiki


Mods are modifications to the game that the player can use to make changes to the game's sound effects, entity textures, and the colors of nearly everything to the game. Other player's modifications can be played as well by entering the mod key that is generated upon clicking the "Export to Key" button in the top left of the playtest menu. Mods disable achievements and unlocks when enabled.

If someone manages to reach room A-1000 while using a mod, they will die upon interacting with the door just like when using at least one of the admin commands, the reason is to prevent players reaching A-1000 so easily by using predictable sounds or loud sound to detect entities easier. During the kick message, it displays:

”You have been kicked from this experience. Your team made it to room A-1001. Returning to Lobby…”

If a player joins a modded lobby, it will be given a orange message on the top right. It displays:


This lobby is MODDED!

Content may differ vastly from the original game!

Play at your own risk!

Data will NOT save"

How to unlock[]

Mods can be unlocked by reaching room A-100.



Ambient 1 (sound) Radio (A-001, sound) Intro Music (sound)
Ambient 2 (sound) Radio (A-060, sound) Door Open (sound)
Ambient 3 (sound) Radio (A-100, sound) Locker Open (sound)
Death (sound) Bell Ring (sound) Locker Close (sound)


R (0-255)

G (0-255)

B (0-255)

Gummy Flashlight[]

Gummy Snake (sound) Gummy Shake (sound)

R (0-255)

G (0-255)

B (0-255)

Room Lights[]

R (0-255)

G (0-255)

B (0-255)


Name Type Behavior
Ambient 1 Sound Changes the first ambient sound that plays in a run. This sound plays significantly more often than other ambiance.
Ambient 2 Sound Changes the second ambient sound that plays in a run.
Ambient 3 Sound Changes the third ambient sound that plays in a run.
Death Sound Changes the sound that plays upon dying for any reason.
Radio (A-001) Sound Changes the music that plays on a radio found at the beginning of a run.
Radio (A-60) Sound Changes the music that plays on a radio found at A-060 inside the vent area.
Radio (A-100) Sound Changes the music that plays on a radio found at A-100, the first checkpoint.'
Bell Ring Sound Changes the sound that plays upon using the bell in the Power Room.
Intro Music Sound Changes the music that plays at the start of a run up until A-020. Plays quietly after opening the first door and up until the Power Room.
Door Open Sound Changes the sound that plays upon opening a door. Playback speed changes based on how fast a given door opens.
Locker Open Sound Changes the sound that plays upon opening a locker.
Locker Close Sound Changes the sound that plays upon closing a locker.
Flashlight Color Changes the light emitted from the default flashlight.
Gummy Shake (1) Sound Changes the sound played upon shaking the Gummy Flashlight. Alternates with opposite setting, plays first.
Gummy Shake (2) Sound Changes the sound played upon shaking the Gummy Flashlight. Alternates with opposite setting, plays second.
Gummy Flashlight Color Changes the light emitted from the Gummy Flashlight. Setting appears below the Gummy Shake settings as RGB parameters.
Room Lights Color Changes the light that rooms naturally have. It's significantly dimmer prior to the Power Room, with any light up until A-050 being at full brightness.


Faces (Separate with comma)
Particle (Image) Rumble (sound) Close (sound)

R (0-255)

G (0-255)

B (0-255)

Static (sound) Attack/Jumpscare (sound)
Color ⬆ Warning (sound) Prime (sound)


Name Type Behavior
Faces Image... Replaces A-60's faces with the images given.
Particle Image Changes the particles A-60 emits.
Color (untitled) Color Changes A-60's color. Setting appears below the Particle setting.
Rumble Sound Changes the rumbling sound A-60 makes.
Static Sound Changes the static sound A-60 makes. Plays while the entity is passing players.
Warning Sound Changes the warning sound A-60 makes. Plays to warn players of its incoming presence.
Close Sound Changes the sound A-60 makes while near. Presumably plays while the entity is passing very close players.
Attack Sound Changes the sound A-60 makes upon effectively attacking a player.
Prime Sound Changes the static sound A-60' makes. Behaves identical to A-60's static sound.


Face (image)

R (0-255)

G (0-255)

B (0-255)

Banging (sound) Static (sound)
Color ⬆


Name Type Behavior
Face Image Changes A-120's face texture.
Color (untitled) Color Changes A-120's color.
Banging Sound TBA
Static Sound Changes the static sound A-120 makes while nearby.


Face (image) Particle (image)
Bang (sound) Windy (sound)
Leave (sound) Attack (sound)


Name Type Behavior
Face Image Changes A-200's face texture.
Particle Image Changes the fog particles A-200 emits.
Bang Sound Changes the sound A-200 makes, presumably on spawn and per rebound(?).
Windy Sound Changes the sound A-200 makes while passing by.
Leave Sound Changes the sound A-200 makes upon despawning.
Attack Sound Changes the sound A-200 makes upon attacking a player.


Face (image) Attack (image) Warp (image) Glitch (sound) Attack (image)


Name Type Behavior
Face Image Changes A-90's normal face.
Attack Image Changes A-90's face upon attacking a player.
Warp Image Changes A-90's warping face, shown briefly between the normal face and the attacking face/despawning.
Glitch Sound Changes the sound A-90's makes upon presenting itself to the player.
Attack Sound Changes the sound A-90's makes upon attacking the player.



R (0-255)

G (0-255)

B (0-255)

Click (sound)
Voice (sound)
Bite (sound)
Color ⬆


Name Type Behavior
Color (untitled) Color Changes A-100's color.
Click Sound Changes the sound A-100 makes passively.
Voice Sound Changes the sound of A-100's voice that plays while they are aggro'd by a player.
Bite Sound Changes the sound A-100 makes when it's attacking a player.


  • Mod keys are encrypted with the Base64 encoding scheme.

vteRooms & Doors Wiki
Sections A SectionAbandoned A SectionB Section (Removed)
Main Entities A-10A-40A-50A-60A-60'A-90A-90'A-100A-120A-200A-200'A-250
Miscellaneous Entities/Characters BadskullThe Guest
Secret Entities The 9 Incomprehensible Horrors (A-666)THE VOICES
Upcoming Entities A-300
General ModsDeath ScreenHiding SourcesInteractablesRoom TypesCheckpointsDeaf ModeCharmsGhostsSafe Spots
Player Health and Stamina
Upcoming Mechanics Reviving
Items BatteryFlashlightGummy FlashlightScanner
Misc DevelopmentBadgesEaster EggsUGCUpdate LogBoykisser
Other GlitchesAdmin CommandsAmbienceCutscenes